false teachers tagged posts

Whom to Mark and Avoid

Certain groups presenting a Christian face and apparent Christian message, admonish their followers to "mark and avoid" anyone who may speak against their key doctrines. Whom did Paul instruct to "mark and avoid", and for what reason were they to do so? Do modern teachers or leaders have the authority of the apostles to be free from question of their teachings or lives, or is such an instruction the mark of a cult?Read More

Evangelical is the New Rome

I had an eureka moment one morning as I was thinking with some frustration about the reality of “church”:  go to a place to sit with other people for an hour as some fellow tells you what to think about God, the Bible, and your faith, with no opportunity permitted to question, challenge, correct, or rebuke. Sit down – stand up – sing this – pray that – hear what I’m telling you, that God told me to say and don’t question it, even when you know I’m lying.

And I realized more consciously that we suffer from Rome...

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