Category Cults

What is a Cult?

Anytime an individual or group sets themselves up as the authority over other men’s knowledge and understanding of God or the Bible, or imposes his authority over how others believe or live their lives in regards to spiritual or religious matters, he is establishing himself as a Cult leader. When a leader or group of leaders declares themselves to be the sole or key human agent through whom God reveals His Truth, the only ones to whom knowledge or understanding of the Scriptures has been given, or to whom men must submit and obey in order to ‘follow’ God or be acceptable to or received by God, he or they have set themselves up as leaders of a Cult.

Any group of people which is established around the leadership of an individual or small group who dictates all religious teaching, spiritual...

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Upon This Rock

“… upon this Rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matt 16:18b

Jesus speaking to Peter is recorded as saying that the gates of Hell should not prevail against the church of Jesus Christ. He did not say that the armies of hell shall not be able to destroy the church, but that the gates of hell shall not prevail against – or withstand – the church of Christ. This is battle language with the church on the offensive.

The church of Christ is called to storm the gates of hell. Hell is the prison of every man and woman who has not faith in Christ. Every cult member, and every person without Christ is presently consigned to hell.

Jesus was not telling Peter to dig in and hold ground until He returns...

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Is Jehovah The Mighty God?

Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower Society rejects Jesus Christ as God. The original Jehovah’s Witnesses Watchtower Society argument against the deity of Jesus Christ was that there was only one God, Jehovah, therefore Jesus could not be God. They had a problem with Isaiah 9:6 and John 1:1, in which He is clearly referred to as “mighty God” and “God”, so The Watchtower Society adapted their teaching; they now say that Jesus is the mighty God, but Jehovah is Almighty God. In other words, in order to support their argument that Jesus is not God because there is only one God, they assert at least two Gods: Jesus the mighty God and Jehovah the Almighty God.

It is necessary to examine the Scriptures in order to determine whether it is valid to consider that the Mighty God is a different person ...

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